Update 3

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We're back - kinda.

Okay, so now that we're about a week in (holy shit) i'm beginning to see the cracks form in the site, LOL.

For starters, the radio seems to break every few days thanks to how discord handles mp3 links. I'll have to see if theres a better way to link mp3s. I'm thinking unlisted vids on youtube, but I don't have the time to implement that ATM. I'll just keep replacing the links until I do.

Okage: Shadow King

Also, we come to the concern of the games I should cover. I realize now that I left alot of REALLY GOOD games unfinished last year. Primal, Okage: Shadow King, Killer Frequency, Coffee Talk - what the heck was I thinking, dude?! I even ditched my second playthrough of NITW!

In any case, that means I already know what games to play for the blog, huehuehue.

So, I fixed the radio again. Meanwhile, I gotta go play some games so that this blog can start blogging. Also, I'm still working on that forum. It'll work. One day.

Oni-Chan's Excellent Adventure

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Today's changelog: NOTHING!

No. Instead I'm gonna take this change to show off something I found that's pretty nifty. I can't recall for the life of me HOW I stumbled upon this, but not to long after my last con, I remember stumbling upon a pretty rad blog that TheRossman did about Anime Expo: Oni-Chan's Excellent Adventure (that's Oni as in Demon, not Onii as in brother ya freak) published alll the way back in the year of our lord 1997. (28 YEARS AGO!!)


Speaking of Oni-chan. He's precious. I have stolen him. You can also steal him if you want, and in fact, you probably should.


Okay okay other than that, there was some cool stuff. I found it really interesting to see this pic of registration being handled by a bunch of geeks on computers (sound familiar?). Apparently it took 2 hours to get through the line (thanks to some complainers) and into the con on the first day, a real far cry from the 30 minutes it took me to get into Otakufest! We sure have it good, huh?

exhibit one exhibit two Auction

Check it out! I always love seeing the stuff people sell at cons. It's probably one of the parts that gets me the most excited about going. I'm usually pretty anxious talking to new people, but at cons I feel alot more comfortable talking to total strangers. It's really cool to meet other nerds and talk about nerd stuff! Even though Otakufest was pretty lowkey last year, I enjoyed having the quiet time to just sit down and have one on one convos. I had an awesome conversation with Dedaw13 of Zoey's Xbox, and I've been a fan of his ever since. I wonder where this stuff is now?


One thing I found interesting is how homely all of the cosplays feel. Some of them are REALLY good of course, but alot of them look and made - you can still see the normal, everyday people behind them. Alot of cosplays are so good these days that its hard not to just see the character before you notice the person, if that makes sense? Idk

Anyway, read the site yourself, it's pretty RAD! Also, his main site.

Oh, by the way. I'm probably gonna be gone for a few days doing some IRL stuff. Gotta make that money!


Update 2

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Another day, another post. The joys of hyperfixation!

Let's see... I think we're getting closer to finishing up the framework, I'd love to implement the forum, as well as a radio feature and a commenting feature. I saw a tutorial for a pretty snazzy looking one, so I think I'll follow that for now.

I'm sure I can get it done, though I'm sure confidence is the last feeling many programmers have before dying a slow, painful death. Whats the worst that can happen??

and to be clear, this is gonna be all me. I'm not gonna get anywhere if I can't suffer my way into implementing new features. If it's half broken, that's part of the charm, right? right?

Oh, also, I'll probably add a to-do list on the index, as well as some more stuff about yours truly. Creative stuff is super messy on my end, mostly due to my CRIPPLING fear of my past work, but I've gotta get my stuff together... eventually.

So, recap: implement comments, add a to-do list, implement a radio, and.... make... the forum.... oh god...

Update + rFactor Lore (mini-post)

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Hey hey hey. Guess who's posting again.

I can't lie. I'm quite enjoying this little housebuilding process. Though I'm likely getting close to the point where I'll need to take off the AI training wheels and start getting gud. The site is quite lovely so far, but I feel like it'd be a bit lazy to just solely rely on chatGPT for everything. Though considering I'm starting at 0 and I've got this little site semi-functional, I guess it's not so bad.

I think I've learned the most whenver things go wrong. I'm picking up on the way to format things and how to make the site actually work. It's nothing crazy so far, but even the little bits I'm picking up on have me excited to learn more.

In any case - now's a good time as any to start on the blog, right? I envision a semi steady stream of high quality, well researched content coming this way eventually, but while it's just me chillin in my abode in my free time, a few opinion pieces or fun facts will do.

So, what have I found today?

I made a lil discovery not too long ago while messing around with rFactor for a bit of testing ahead of Formula rFactor's comeback. I remembered that I hadn't perused the user's manual in a while, so I decided to look it up since I also happened to recall that there was some pretty nifty lore tucked away in there.

Now. I'm a sucker for lore. I love lore. My patience for lore is unending. I will play the shittiest game of all time, just to read the mid tier 6/10 loredumps. And rFactor, being a racing sim, doesn't necessarily NEED to put any level of importance on it's lore, (especially considering most people will just skip the base content altogether lol) but the fact that it does is pretty cool in my opinion.

Ok. Enough yappage. What did I find? Well, in introducting the world of rFactor, the manual gifts here:


I love it. The BASED rFactor lore is that, by making racing incredibly affordable, yet infinitely customizable to the masses, rFactor Motorworks created a series that is up to FIVE TIMES more popular than Formula One on the basis of it actually being feasible to compete in, lmao.

Also, this is definitely me overly reading into the manual, but the file that holds all of the directories and rules for a certain mod is called a .rfm. rFactor is probably the single most modded racing game on the market - I've seen mods for everything from Formula One to WRC, to even an awesome remaster of the Grand Prix games! What does that mean? Oh, nothing, really, just that


It's no wonder they have 100 million viewers, THEY'RE LITERALLY MANAGING EVERY MOTORSPORT IN THE WORLD! Motor being optional really since there's even horse racing mods for rFactor, lmfao.

Anyway, I'm not here to summarize. Also, I had a terrible night's sleep, so I don't wanna yap on for too long. If you want more interesting mid 2000s sim lore, You can see the link to the page below.



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Well then. Looks like the blog is semi functional. You can probably notice that this part of the site is noticably different from the index - That's thanks to ChatGPT coding. I hate AI as much as the next guy, and certainly dont want any bots perusing this site in particular, but the rate of which i can work on this site with it is simply incredible. Workin' with the devil, it looks like.

Well, it's not all lazy. I'm learning quite a bit about how to actually navigate HTML and CSS. I would never have been able to do this in high school, so for me to have something even semi-competent makes me really excited. I can't lie, I really enjoy the format of this page. ChatGPT making me give it credit, smh. In any case, There's plenty more to change, but we'll get there.